
G.U.N Kitty Chapter 12B

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Literature Text

Part 2 of 2: Eggman's double agent.

But as he flew closer to them to attack, Tails, along with Eggman and his machine got the surprise of their lives. Within seconds, a grenade came flying out of the wrecked mansion, blasting the E-2000R directly on its head, exploding violently on contact.

Eggman quickly turned around in deep horror, thinking, No! It can't be!

But it was. With a bit of smoke still billowing inside, a familiar figure soon came walking out of the heavily damaged mansion, covered in soot and ashes from head to toe, carrying a weapon Eggman unfortunately knew all too well.

Tails' facial expressions immediately changed from perplexed to overwhelming joy. She's alive! I don't believe it!

Kitty then quickly fired four more rounds into the E-2000R with total fury before it could regain its composure, blasting it in the head again, as well as the chest and legs. The grenades hit the machine within seconds of each other, violently exploding on contact, eventually sending it flying end over end.

She soon said to the mad doctor after his machine slammed against the ground nearby him, severely damaged, "Looks like you completely underestimated me again, doc."

Eggman at this point lost it emotionally, as he couldn't speak. Instead, he could only growl and stutter, completely dumbfounded.

He then finally demanded seconds later, "Impossible! How in the world did you survive that bomb blast? Its blast range was too large for anyone to escape from!"

"What can I say, Doctor?" Kitty retorted. "I die hard."

While Eggman was deeply incensed by her statement, Tails on the other hand was completely swoon inside, thinking with a deep sigh, she's so wonderful. Only someone as cool as her could pull off something that amazing.

Kitty then pointed her M32 at Eggman, saying, "The game's over, you sick psychopath! Now I'm ordering you to surrender before I blast you to bits!"

Her words caused deep concern to the mad doctor, but nonetheless kept his composure, retorting, "Ha! You don't have it in it to kill me! You're just like the rest of your G.U.N slime… weak."

Kitty's next move completely horrified Eggman, as she quickly switched weapons and fired a few dozen rounds from her M249 SAW at his Eggmobile.

Eggman instantly veered out of the ammo's range, as Kitty told him with deep authority in her voice after she stopped shooting, "Don't you ever call me weak again, Eggman. While I maybe a G.U.N agent, there's one thing I will not hesitate to do that they might."

She then switched back to her M32, pointing it directly at his Eggmobile again while Eggman let out a small scream, "And that is, FINISH YOU OFF!"

Tails then let out a cheer, "Go get em, Kitty! Let him have it!"

Completely desperate inside, Eggman said to his heavily damaged machine, "C'mon, you useless hunk of junk! Get up and help me already!"

The E-2000R tried to get up, but was mightily struggling to do so, as the grenades Kitty had fired at it had finally taken its toll on its metal body. Seeing this frightened Eggman even more inside, as Kitty said to him with a smirk on her face, "Well, I guess you won't be hiding behind your so called super machine anymore. Too bad for you."

Kitty again pointed her weapon at him, saying firmly while Eggman looked at her now completely panicked inside, "You're terminated, Doctor."

In that moment, Eggman instantly tried to get his Eggmobile out of her weapon's range. Fortunately for him though, it wasn't even necessary. Within a few milliseconds of her firing the M32, Kitty felt a hand grab her right lower leg, knocking her off balance, as well disrupting her aim. Instead of blasting Eggman's hovercraft, the grenade was way off target, as it soared completely over the mad doctor's head.

Kitty then looked down and saw the culprit, none other than the E-2000R itself. Even in its heavily damaged state, it still had fight and life left in it.

Deeply annoyed, Kitty quickly went to grab another magnetic bomb and try to finish it off. But again, The E-2000R prevented her from doing so, as it now tripped her up with its right metal leg, knocking her to the ground on her rear.

"All right, that does it!" Kitty shouted at the E-2000R after switching to the M249 SAW again once back on her feet. "I'm going to pump you full of lasers!"

Kitty instantly pressed the trigger on her M249 SAW and unleashed dozens of rounds at her foe. But for a third time, she failed to take it out. Again, the E-2000R used its shield to block all the lasers that came towards it.

I don't believe this! Kitty thought as she continued to fire. Even now, it's still able to hold its ground.

Seeing only one course of action, Kitty decided to use a M67 grenade to stun it and then finish off Eggman's machine. Quickly grabbing one from her bag, the feline agent ran towards it, trying to bait it to attack her again.

As expected, it did, as the E-2000R fired laser after laser at Kitty once she was close enough. Kitty though evaded the lasers, sidestepping around them, back flipping over several more, even sliding underneath its legs in an attempt to confuse it.

After this went on for Forty five seconds, Kitty went into Phase 2 of her plan. She then ran towards it again, preparing to pull off a very difficult maneuver.

Again, the E-2000R fired its lasers at her, trying to zap the feline agent into submission. But as before, Kitty was able to evade it with ease.

Finally, when she was close enough, she then lept high into the air and then somersaulted, as she was planning to toss the grenade right on top of its head.

Unfortunately for her though, Eggman anticipated her move with near perfect timing, steering his Eggmobile right into her path to slam her hard to the ground below.

"Kitty!" Tails shouted.

Eggman's countermove sent Kitty tumbling onto the grass for over ten feet, eventually coming to a rest on her back.

"Ha!" Eggman sneered. "I figured you might try something like that. Your attack patterns were way too predictable!"

Tails meanwhile looked on deeply concerned, as he knew Kitty was now in a bad predicament.

"Finish her off, now!" Eggman ordered his machine.

As before, it instantly responded, flying right towards Kitty in a hurry.

Kitty during this time tried to regain her senses and get her focus back. But before she could, she saw Eggman's machine coming at her very quickly. Forced to think fast, Kitty quickly reacted, back flipping high into the air before the E-2000R could attack her, as she sailed over it completely, landing on her feet several seconds later.

Eggman then went to put a stop to this, as he flew his hovercraft right behind her now in the air, saying, "You've got nowhere to run anymore, feline! Just give it up and surrender already!"

Before Kitty could respond to his threat, Tails now came flying in at top speed, shouting, "NO! I won't let you hurt her again!"

Tails again took Eggman by surprise, as he instantly got in his face and socked the mad scientist hard in the right cheek.

"Ow! Why you little…!"

Deeply angered by the two tailed fox's interventions a second time, Eggman went to finish him off for good this time, as he soon swung his fists at him again and again. Tails however evaded his punches with eases, flying out of its range each time the mad doctor tried to hit him.

Kitty unfortunately soon got distracted by their duel, as she couldn't help but start to wonder why he was fighting so hard for her now. Several seconds later unfortunately, the feline agent paid the price for her lack of focus, as the E-2000R instantly blindsided her, ramming her hard in the gut with its right metal elbow, where she was sent flying towards the ground again. This time, she felt it so much more than before, as she slammed onto the grass face first with a loud thud.

Kitty now groaned loudly in pain. The toll of this battle had begun to wear on her to the point of complete exhaustion. But that would soon be the least of her troubles. Within seconds, the E-2000R soon towered over her, ready to finish feline agent off.

Tails meanwhile happened to witnessed this in the corner of his eye, as he now turned his head towards Eggman's machine. Seeing Kitty in deep trouble alarmed the two tailed fox again, as he was preparing to fly towards it and help her out.

Eggman on the other hand saw his opportunity to deck Tails a second time. Tails though saw it coming and ducked a split second before he swung his right fist at him. Tails then used his right elbow hard as a counter measure, hitting the mad scientist directing in the nose with it.

Eggman quickly let out a small scream, as Tails attack had caused his nose to bleed profusely within seconds.

"You little wretch!" Eggman shouted, holding his nose with both hands while groaning in pain. "I'll get you for this!"

"Can it, you creep!" Tails retorted, flying away from him. "I've got more pressing issues at hand."

Indeed he did. Within moments, he flew towards the E-2000R, preparing to trip it up from behind in order to rescue Kitty.

Unfortunately for the two tailed fox though, the E-2000R would not be taken by surprise. As soon as Tails got within three feet of it, it instantly responded, as it fired a large laser shot directly at his chest, knocking him backgrounds to the ground on his face completely senseless. Its laser attack even left him with serious burns to his chest.

Kitty unfortunately wasn't able to respond to this, as she still was reeling from the previous blow.

Eggman meanwhile finally composed himself in spite of his broken nose, shouting to his E-2000R, "No more games! Kill that furball, now!"

Kitty during this time tried to get up and escape, but wasn't able to due to the speed and strength of the E-2000R. It quickly grabbed her by the throat again then prepared to blast her once she was tossed in the air.

But again, Eggman's plans of finishing her off would be halted. Out of nowhere, the E-2000R was hit hard by a spinning screw kick aimed directly at its right shoulder. The attack instantly severed its right metal arm off, even knocking it backwards to the ground several feet. Kitty thankfully wasn't hit by this attack, but was instead sent flying several feet away, with the arm still attached to her.

Eggman looked on in complete disbelief as to who had come to her rescue.


"Well, well, Doctor, we meet again." she replied firmly.

Kitty meanwhile was trying to get free of the metal hand still grasped around her, as she overheard the conversation nearby.

"What business do you have being here, batty?" Eggman demanded, pointing a finger at her. "I thought you hated agent Katswell."

"My dislike for this G.U.N agent played no factor in this decision of mine." Rouge retorted. "I'm just here to make sure your plans don't go as expected."

Eggman growled at her, shouting, "This is so like you, always wrecking my hard earned work when I least expect it! Well, I'll see to it your meddling ways end up costing you dearly!"

"Ha! That's a laugh." Rouge countered with a grin. "Now that I crippled your so called machine, what makes you think it has any chance of beating us?"

Kitty at this point finally freed herself of the severed metal arm and eventually came running towards Rouge, though a bit slowly due to her previous injuries. Eggman then shot back, "It doesn't matter! My E-2000R is still capable of annihilating the both of you!" The E-2000R during this time amazingly was still functioning in spite of losing a metal arm, though it was clearly obvious it was running on its last legs.

Kitty then inquired of Rouge dumbfounded, "You actually risked your neck to save me? Why?"

"What, you think I can't put my feelings aside for once and help out a fellow G.U.N agent?" Rouge replied.

"No, it's not that." Kitty said hesitantly, "But this is so unlike you."

"Let's just say I'm after the big picture here, honey." Rouge told her with a sly grin.

"Uh, and just what is that by the way?" Kitty inquired, feeling very suspicious inside.

But before Rouge could answer her, the E-2000R by this time was back on its feet and ready to attack again.

"No time to talk, Catwoman." Rouge said. "We gotta finish off this machine of Eggman's before it causes anymore havoc. Would you not agree?"

Kitty knew she was right about this, as she nodded her head in agreement. Rouge then added, "We'll have to work together in order to destroy it. Are you with me?"

Kitty quickly grabbed her M249 weapon from the ground nearby, replying with a look fierce determination, "Let's do it."

While this was going, Sonic finally came out of the mansion from upstairs near the back. He unfortunately had a miserable time getting out of there due to Amy trying to restrain him. Nonetheless, he finally managed to get free and see what the commotion was about.

"What in the world?" the blue hedgehog couldn't help but look dumbfounded. "It looks like a warzone out here!"

Indeed it was, as Rouge and Kitty were currently in a firefight at the moment.

Amy however finally caught up to him from behind seconds later, ordering him, "Sonikku, get back in your bed this instant!"

Sonic then glared at Amy, replying, "There's no time for that! Eggman's causing a serious ruckus here."

"Let Agent Katswell take care of it." Amy told him. "After all, she's perfectly capable of fighting off Eggman herself."

"How can you say that and claim you love me?" Sonic demanded. "That has to be one of the most selfish things you've ever said."

Amy instantly was incensed at first, but deep down, knew he was right. Nonetheless, she said to him softly, "You can't go out there and risk your life now. You could get yourself killed, and then I wouldn't be able to be with you anymore, not to mention your friends."

Sonic however wasn't able to give this much thought, as he then saw Tails lying on the grass to his right about a dozen feet away , moaning loudly.

Sonic quickly ran to him, saying, "Tails, are you ok?"

Tails fortunately still was conscious, but very weak after getting hit directly in the chest.

Amy soon ran over to him as well, rolling the two tailed fox on his back. She then gasped, "Sonic, look!"

Sonic now saw the deep burn too in his chest, making his furrow his eyebrow. "Looks like Eggman's contraption really singed him."

"So, what do we do with him then?" Amy inquired.

"What else? Let's get him away from the ongoing battle so he doesn't get injured any further." Sonic replied.

"So does that mean you're not going to fight then?" Amy asked.

"Of course I am." Sonic told her firmly. "But I'm going get my best bud outta harm's way first."

Hearing that made Amy angry inside, as well sigh heavily. Even with all his current injuries, my Sonikku just doesn't know when to give it up.

Back on the battlefield, the E-2000R was surprisingly still able to hold its ground in spite of the fact it lost its arm cannon and was seriously sparking. Kitty and Rouge however kept the heat up on it, trying to wear it down and finally finish it off.

Rouge then attempted a screw kick, aimed directly at its shield in order to break it to pieces. Kitty looked on during this time with deep anticipation, as she was going to waste it with the laser from her machine gun once it lost its only line of defense.

But to Kitty's surprise, Rouge missed, as the E-2000R easily evaded it, moving backwards several feet. As what had happened on Angel Island, Rouge instead put a big hole in the ground. Within seconds, the seductive bat quick flew out of it and tried to attack Eggman's machine with a flying roundhouse kick. But again, her attack was completely negated, as the E-2000R blocked it with ease with its shield. It then used its shield to try and knock Rouge back a couple of feet, forcing her to make adjustments in midair in order to land safely on the ground.

After she did, Kitty said to her, "You missed."

"No duh." Rouge replied with a frown. "Don't worry, I'll get it eventually. You just be ready to shoot when I do."

Kitty quickly nodded her head, as she got her weapon ready to go. However, the feline agent's efforts would again be unnecessary, as Rouge attempted another screw kick, but her attack again ended up with the same results.

Once Rouge flew out of the hole a second time, Kitty commented, now feeling a bit frustrated inside, "You missed again."

"Look, I'm not perfect, ok?" Rouge retorted. "So stop criticizing me already."

"Well, if you can't finish it off, then allow someone who can." Kitty shot back.

"Ha! That's rich." Rouge retorted again. "You were getting your butt kicked by this thing not even five minutes ago."

Rouge's statement instantly puzzled Kitty, as she couldn't figure out what she was trying to imply.

Seconds later, Rouge attempted a third screw kick at the E-2000R. But once again, she missed. By this point, Kitty was starting to feel really suspicious inside.

How in the world has she not put this thing away by now? She could have easily hit this metal monstrosity's shield the first time.

And, how did she know I was getting pounded by Eggman's machine anyway?

A scary thought then came over Kitty. Is she…?

Kitty however quickly brushed it off, thinking, No, no, no. There's no way she's in cahoots with Eggman. That would be a new low, even for her.

But as the battle went on, Kitty couldn't admit something was off. She just couldn't put her finger on it though.

Meanwhile, about one hundred feet away, Cream had returned with the gray robot in tow.

"Wow, you sure are quite the obedient machine. Everything I asked of you, you did. You even made the park experience more fun for me."

As it turned out, one of the things Cream had done with the robot while at the park was have it push her on the swing, build sculptures in the sand, even helping her swing on the monkey bars. This unfortunately delayed her from coming back sooner. Nonetheless, Cream soon saw the battle going in the front yard, making her look on in horror.

"Oh, no. That evil Eggman is again attacking my friends." She commented deeply concerned with a gasp. The young rabbit then turned to the gray robot and said, "I'll need you to help defeat Eggman again. Can you do that for me?"

As before, the machine obeyed her, as its eyes lit up and blasted off towards the front yard.

While this had been going on, Rouge and the E-2000R continued to duel. But like before unfortunately, Rouge was making no progress with it. Instead, all her attacks were either evaded or negated.

"All right, no more playing around." Rouge muttered. "Time to get physical!"

Rouge then ran towards the E-2000 attacked it a series of roundhouse kicks, trying to get it off balance. However, her efforts were again in vain, as the E-2000R easily blocked it with its shield.

Kitty by now finally lost her cool, saying, "C'mon, knock it to the ground already, Rouge, so I can waste it with my M249 SAW!"

"I'm trying, Catwoman!" Rouge replied annoyed while kicking at it again. "It's not easy as it looks, ok?"

Kitty though was beginning to wonder if Rouge was really trying hard or just stalling.

That suspicion though would soon become moot. Within seconds, Cream's gray robot came flying in, even bowling Rouge over where she landed on the ground face first knocked senseless.

"Hey, what's the big idea?" Rouge demanded, shaking her head in an attempt to clear her head.

Kitty quickly gasped, thinking, it's that gray robot again!

The gray robot meanwhile had come in so hot; it even slammed to the E-2000R to the ground, where it hit the ground flat on its back several feet away.

Eggman soon saw it too, saying, "What? That gray robot is back again?" He then growled at his machine and ordered, "Get back on your feet and destroy it already!"

The E-2000R however was slow to get up, as it was still heavily sparking even now. Nonetheless, it got a small break, as the gray robot didn't try to attack it again for the time being. Instead, it began to scan Rouge and copy her abilities to its memory banks.

Moments later, Sonic finally came out of the mansion, with Amy quickly tagging along from behind. The blue hedgehog then said with determination in his eyes, "All right, no more fooling around! I've got a mad man to put away."

Amy grabbed right his arm in response before he could take off, telling him firmly, "You're not going after Eggman in your condition without my help."

Sonic at first thought of resisting, but finally replied with a sigh, "All right, fine."

While the pink hedgehog smiled at him with delight, Sonic added, "Just make sure you don't get in the way."

"Don't worry, Sonikku, I'll be sure to…"

Amy instantly gasped before she could finish her sentence, as she said pointing, "Sonic, look."

Sonic quickly glanced to his left, and there he saw the gray robot looking at the both of them.

"What on earth is that thing?" he inquired. "Is that another of Eggman's robots?" Sonic unfortunately didn't get a chance to be informed about the machine by Tails due to being seriously injured from before.

"Why's it looking at us that way?" Amy pondered.

"Get ready." Sonic told her. "That thing may attack us any second."

Sonic's concerns though would quickly be put to rest, as the gray robot turned away and went to attack the E-2000R. By this time, it had gotten back on its feet and ready to fight.

Within seconds, the gray robot and the E-2000R began to duel. Now having the copied abilities of Sonic, Amy and Rouge in its databank, it soon began to use their signature moves against Eggman's machine.

Sonic was now dumbfounded, as he said, "Is that thing… fighting Eggman's super robot?"

"Why, I believe it is." Amy answered, now perplexed as well. "How is that possible?"

Sonic though blew it off, saying, "Never mind that, I'm going to give it a hand."

Amy again however restrained him, telling the blue hedgehog while grabbing his right arm a second time, "There's no need for you to fight now. With that thing on our side, along with Kitty and Rouge, they should be able to handle it no problem."

"But… but… but…"

"Save your strength for the big battle at Eggman's base." Amy reiterated. "That's when you'll really need it."

Sonic pondered the idea of resisting her again, but thought better of it, replying, "All right fine, but if that thing gets in trouble, I'm taking Eggman's robot head on, injuries or no injuries."

Thankfully for the time being, the gray robot was able to hold its ground with ease, as it now tried to attack the E-2000R with Sonic's spin dash.

Unfortunately though, its attack was completely negated upon impact. The gray robot then tried to use some of Kitty's martial arts moves to wear it down, but again failed due to E-2000R's super shield.

Finally, as a last resort, it attempted to destroy the E-2000R with Rouge's screw kick. But like Rouge before her, it completely missed its target, as Eggman's machine evaded it once again with ease.

This pattern of failed attempts to destroy the E-2000R soon went on for several minutes. Kitty by this time thought to herself, this machine isn't accomplishing anything. It's becoming nothing but a stalemate over and over.

Even Sonic commented on this, saying to Amy, "I can't believe that gray machine hasn't done anything yet. I thought it was supposed to be stronger than this."

"Maybe both machines are equally matched." Amy replied.

Eggman soon cackled at the gray robot's lack of efficiency, saying, "Is that the best it's got? What a joke! You should have known my latest machine was a lot stronger than the previous model."

Kitty unfortunately hated to admit, but knew he was right in this case.

The mad scientist then added seconds later, "The only way that thing's beating my machine now is if it gets powered up, but I don't see that ever happening."

That comment quickly got Sonic thinking, as he thought to himself with a hand under his chin, so, that thing needs some juice, eh?

Amy then turned to look at Sonic and asked, "What's on your mind?"

Sonic didn't answer her at first, as he ran back inside, eventually saying, "Hang on, I'll be right back."

While he was away, Cream finally came running up near Kitty to see the progress of her gray robot. To her deep surprise, it wasn't as she had hoped.

Cream now pleaded with the gray robot after it came to a standstill after another failed attack, "Please, you've got to fight harder. You're our best chance to destroy this machine of Eggman's."

Her machine again took her words to heart, as it resumed the fight, fighting even more valiantly than before.

Kitty during this time overheard Cream's remark, surprising her a bit. She then said to her while the gray robot and E-2000R fought, "What are you doing here? This area is too dangerous for someone like you to be out here."

"I just wanted to see how my robot was doing." Cream replied softly.

Kitty at that moment was ready to pick her up and carry her inside to safety, that is until Sonic came out of the wrecked mansion again, saying, "I got it!"

Kitty quickly took a look at it, revealing to be none other than the Chaos Emerald he and Tails had found in the Mystic Ruins.

So… that's what one of them looks like. Kitty thought. It looks like a miniature Master Emerald.

Sonic then tossed it to Kitty, taking her by surprise while telling her, "Quick, give that robot the emerald so it can use its power to destroy Eggman's bucket of bolts."

"Will do." Kitty replied.

Kitty quickly ran towards the gray robot after it bounced off another deflected attack and tossed it the Emerald.

Eggman at this point said with deep fright once it was in its possession, "Oh no! Don't tell me you're actually going to use the emerald you recently found to attack my machine! That will destroy it off for sure!"

Those words however came out almost icily, even a bit sarcastic, making Kitty wonder inside.

Meanwhile, the gray robot quickly powered up with Emerald, as its eyes soon glowed red instead of purple. This change in color alarmed even Kitty.

Within moments, the gray robot went to attack Eggman's machine again, now shattering its shield with one quick jab due to the gray robot's metal fist.

With nothing left to shield it, Cream's gray robot now completely annihilated the E-2000R, as it hit it with every move it learned. From Kitty's martial arts, Sonic's spin dash, even Rouge's screw kick. All were performed in less than ten seconds with complete precision and overwhelming power.

With the Emerald increasing its power levels fifty fold, it easily finished off Eggman's machine. As a finishing move, the gray robot grabbed the E-2000R by the throat and rammed as hard it could into one of the mansion's walls.

Kitty at this point looked on in deep shock, as even the wall it crashed through was smashed to pieces.

Seconds later, the E-2000R finally bit the dust, as it sparked out of control and exploded violently, spreading metal debris everywhere.

Once the smoke and fire from its remains soon began to die out, Kitty then thought in completely amazement, Unbelievable. No wonder Eggman wants those Emeralds so bad. They're actually a force to be reckoned with.

With Eggman's machine now out of the picture, Sonic's confidence level rose dramatically, saying, "All right, now that's what I'm talking about!"

Cream meanwhile hugged the gray robot once it came back, saying as well, "Good job, Mr. Robot. You did a wonderful job."

To Kitty's surprise, Eggman just looked on without much reaction to what just took place, again deeply puzzling her.

Sonic then said to Eggman pointing at him, "The gig's up, Eggbelly. Your super machine is toast. If you know what's good for you, you'll give yourself right this second and surrender."

"And why should I do that when the puzzle pieces of my plan are coming together quite nicely?" he retorted.

This statement confused not only Sonic, but even Kitty too. Puzzle pieces? His machine just lost. What's he talking about?

Sonic though just fired back, "Enough of your riddles, Robotnik! Either you give up or we're siking Cream's robot after you too!"

Eggman completely dumbfounded everyone, as he retorted again, "Is that a fact? Are you sure it will do that to me?"

Ok, something is definitely not right here. Kitty thought to herself. He's acting way too confident for what should have been a humbling defeat.

Rouge then spoke up, telling Eggman, "Unless you want to be killed, I suggest you do as Sonic says."

Eggman again defied them, as he replied, now laughing heartily; "Oh, that's rich! You actually think I'm going to be killed by that junk bot?"

"You will if you want to stay in one piece." Rouge shot back.

"Go on then. Send him after me." Eggman challenged. "I dare you to."

Eggman's arrogance finally set Sonic off, as Cream said angrily to him, "All right then, you evil scientist. You asked for it."

Cream then ordered the gray robot to attack Eggman.

Again, it obeyed her, as it flew towards the mad doctor in a hurry. But then, out of nowhere, it stopped in midair in front of him. This move puzzled everyone watching.

"What are you waiting for?" Sonic demanded. "Finish him already!"

"Why aren't you doing what I asked you to?" Cream inquired softly. "Eggman must be punished, Mr. Robot."

Kitty during this time meanwhile took a quick glance at Eggman's hovercraft, as she saw some puzzling movement from his right arm, making the feline agent furrow her eyebrows. What nobody was able to see was Eggman was using his override device to take complete control over this machine.

Moments later, the gray robot turned and now faced Sonic and the others, confusing them all. Then, out of nowhere, it flew towards Cream at high speed, abruptly grabbing her with its right metal arm.

"Cream!" Kitty shouted. In that moment, everyone on the ground was dumbfounded and horrified by the gray robot's abrupt act of betrayal..

Cream on the hand screamed in terror, as the gray robot delivered the young rabbit into his hovercraft.

Eggman looked with deep delight, saying, "Excellent work, Emerl. You were most helpful indeed."

"I should have known it was a double agent!" Sonic shouted angrily. "C'mon, guys, let's toast that thing!"

Eggman though ordered Emerl to take them out, as he turned his Eggmobile around and began to leave.

Kitty and the others meanwhile attempted to go after Eggman, but were instantly halted in their tracks by Emerl. Due to being powered up by the Chaos Emerald, they were all no match for it. Emerl then used its new abilities it learned against them, using Kitty's martial arts moves to knock them all to the ground.

One by one, most of them were smacked to the ground hard with fury, as it hit them with karate chops, punches, even kicks in rapid succession.

Within seconds, only Rouge was left standing, as she had managed to evade it for the time being. Unfortunately for her though, she soon fell down by the wayside, abruptly getting blindsided from behind by Emerl while using Sonic's spin dash.

After she hit the ground seriously stunned, Eggman cackled heartily at them all, saying, "Fools. Did you actually think you'd get the best of me this time? You should have known better than to trust a machine that I secretly planted at the mansion. I guess you're not as smart as I originally thought."

Cream then screamed in terror while inside his Eggmobile as Eggman added while holding the young rabbit up by her ears, "However, I'll play nice and give you a chance to rescue your little friend here, that is if you're brave enough to attack me at my base."

Eggman again laughed heartily, as he flew away saying, "So long, rodents! Until next time!"

Cream again screamed with fear while he left the scene. Once they were gone, Kitty and the others meanwhile struggled to get up, as Emerl's attack had walloped every single one of them very hard.

Kitty personally had been taken down by a very strong roundhouse kick to the head. Thankfully though, the attack didn't leave her with any significant injures, but just very dazed with a splitting headache instead.

Sonic then eventually stood up too, as he had the wind knocked out of him by Emerl with a karate punch to the gut. He soon said angrily a few seconds later, "That dirty Eggman! I can't believe he fooled us all!"

"I know." Kitty replied with a frown. "I should have seen that coming."

"So what do we do now?" Amy inquired concerned.

"What else?" Rouge answered her, now speaking up. "We go after him."

"I don't think that's the best course of action right now." Kitty told her. "We're going to need reinforcements to pull this off successfully."

"Speak for yourself, Catwoman." Rouge shot back. "That dirty Eggman made a fool outta me and I'm going to see to it he pays for it personally!"

Rouge then went to spread her wings, as Kitty said to the female bat while extending her right hand towards her, "Rouge, wait."

"Save it." Rouge retorted. "I'm not listening to anyone of your advice, so don't even bother trying."

And with that, the manipulating bat took off into the air and flew after Eggman.

"Hold on a sec, Rouge!" Kitty said. "I need to ask you something before you go!"

Not surprisingly, she got no answer in return.
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Soniahedgehog24's avatar
"What can I say, Doctor?" Kitty retorted. "I die hard."
that line was used in sa2b last sonadow event